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A Life Coaching Progam Designed for Busy Moms Working in Healthcare

Reset Your Mental Habits

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle in a Hectic World

Goals That Allow You to Thrive

Personalized Coaching Plans with 1:1 Support

Pathway to Joy: Life Coaching for Single Moms in Healthcare

It's time to reclaim your power and rediscover the magic that lies within you. It's time to find your path to better. Your personal life coach, Amanda Queen, MD, will be there every step of the way, cheering you on as you unleash the extraordinary potential that resides within your heart.


Welcome to a life transformed. Welcome to a life empowered. Welcome to a life filled with infinite possibilities. Welcome to the beginning of your extraordinary journey.

Amanda Queen, MD Life Coach for Women Doctors
Amanda Queen, MD Life Coach for Women Doctors

We offer a comprehensive life coaching program designed specifically for single moms in healthcare who are ready to reclaim their power, find balance, and thrive in every aspect of their lives. Through six transformative coaching calls, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth, guided by Amanda Queen, MD - certified life coach.

Program Structure:


Clarify Your Vision

  • Explore your goals, dreams, and aspirations.

  • Identify any limiting beliefs or obstacles standing in your way.

  • Create a clear vision for your ideal life


Balance and Boundaries

  • Explore strategies for creating work-life balance as a single mom.

  • Establish healthy boundaries to protect your time, energy, and well-being.

  • Learn to prioritize self-care and nourish your mind, body, and soul.


Goal Setting and Action Planning

  • Set achievable goals aligned with your vision and values.

  • Break down your goals into actionable steps.

  • Create a personalized action plan to move you closer to your dreams.


Radiant Resilience

  • Learn practical strategies to overcome challenges and setbacks.

  • Develop resilience to navigate the demands of single parenthood and a career in healthcare.

  • Discover your inner strength and resourcefulness.


Confidence and Self-Worth

  • Identify and challenge self-limiting beliefs.

  • Cultivate confidence and belief in yourself and your abilities.

  • Embrace your inherent worthiness and step into your power.


Integration and Celebration

  • How to celebrate and track your progress.

  • Identify strategies to maintain momentum and continue your growth.

  • Create a plan for integrating the insights and tools gained into your daily life.

Image by Xavier Mouton Photographie

Ready to learn more? 

Free 20-Minute Consult: Prior to committing to the program, we offer a complimentary 20-minute consultation to discuss your objectives and determine if our coaching is the right fit for you.

How is the program structured? 

  • As an Amanda Queen life coaching client, you'll receive six 40-minute coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals.


Additional Support:

  • In-between sessions, you'll receive ongoing support via email or video chat messaging to address any questions, challenges, or successes that arise.

  • Access to relevant resources, tools, and exercises to support your growth and development.


Your investment is only $200 per call - offering incredible value for the transformative journey ahead.


Are you ready to step into your power, reclaim your joy, and thrive as a single mom in healthcare?


Join now and embark on a transformative journey toward a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and abundance.

"I learned more about myself in a different way and it clarified the direction I wanted to go in for my career. I really appreciate how she could find the right questions to guide me. Don't hesitate to start!" 


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